Take Charge Of Your Health Now So You Don't Become A Victim Of The Health Care System

Allopathic medicine is based on a scientific model of disease diagnosis and treatment. Medical doctors are solely interested in identifying symptoms and alleviating them through heroic intervention.
This mainstream system of medicine only offers palliative treatments, not anything curative. This is what your doctor won't tell you. Under this system, they wait for disease to happen and then try to help a patient to live with their condition.
This is the corporate model of health care, which is designed from beginning to end to generate profits for doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical and medical equipment manufacturers and legions of support personnel. It does not operate in your best interest. In fact, if it did, it would collapse under its own weight from its structural costs combined with the revenue shortfalls produced from curing patients.
Contrast this system with the evidence based model of disease, its causes and cures. This approach is used by naturopaths, herbalists, chiropractors and other natural healers. They place an emphasis on preventing disease. Healers take a wholistic approach, looking at the whole person, including their body, mind and spirit.
Obviously, the best approach is one of proactive prevention. In the absence of prevention, then mitigation and remediation are necessary, if even possible.
I'll provide an illustration of why the medical system is broken and how you can avoid being a victim of it.
Allopathic physicians are so enamored with the science and technology they use that they often don't see the forest for the trees. Here's an example. Scientifically, every diseased cell, tissue, organ, system and ultimately, individual, has five characteristics. All diseased tissue is toxic, hypoxic, acidotic, infected and inflamed.
You can take these steps yourself to prevent disease or even reverse it:
Toxicity: Drink and cook with purified water. Eat only organic food.
Hypoxia: Protect your mitochondria.
Acidotic: Take care of your digestive system. Get plenty of minerals.
Infection: Don't get vaccines. Do get natural antioxidants.
Inflammation: Don't eat supermarket garbage. Get plenty of healthy fats.
I plan to expound on these topics in the future.
For now, let's start at the beginning, with taking charge of your health by producing and consuming pure water. I undertook an exhaustive research to identify the single most effective way for anyone to have as much purified water as they want, right in their own home.
I hope you find this very brief introduction to be of benefit for you and your loved ones.
For details, visit https://mp750sb.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9683967
Naima Web Developer

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