Beauty and Health - What it Means to You Today

The concept of beauty is not easy to define. In many societies physical beauty is seen to have acceptable norms but some of those norms still vary between cultures. Over time,
we have started to see the use of many different products that enhance and maintain personal beauty. We also see a more useful emphasis on health as an important part of beauty. All this raises many questions. Do we expect more from our physical presentation than our ancestors? What brought us to where we are today? We now have access to a wide range of natural, synthetic and medical products that support this but what do we choose to use?
Historical Beauty Concepts
Is beauty more important today than it was in the past? Probably not, the struggle to represent beauty in art has been repeated over the ages to reveal that beauty exists consistently in many past cultures. These similarities cannot be ignored as we try to understand our need to look beautiful.
From ancient Egypt the royal bust of Nefertiti (wife of Akhenaton) is considered today a classical example of female facial beauty. Greek sculptors celebrated the beauty of both male and female bodies. Modern art has moved away from realism so beauty is more readily expressed through photographs.
Although we associate youth with beauty, there is a growing acceptance of maintaining beauty among mature people who are also developing a healthy lifestyle. So, what beauty products do we use today?
Natural Beauty Products
Many natural products are still used for beauty preparations. In England - cold tea bags refresh eyes, Japan - soya germs, rice and seaweed keep the skin soft, Spain - olive oil used in face masks, Latin America - avocado in hair conditioning, Italy - basil leaf for teeth whitener, Argentina - cream softens and moistens skin.
Modern Beauty Products
A number of products are obtainable for enhancing looks and healthy lifestyles. Teeth whitening products have been developed and used by dentists are also available to the public. Hair products are at hand help maintain healthy hair. Cosmetic products are accepted as being safe when used as directed. Diet and exercise products and programs are becoming very popular. In choosing these products the user needs to look for simplicity in ingredients, follow manufacturers' instructions, and use moderately.
The beauty and health products available online are too numerous to find easily. There are a number of websites at hand that will identify and provide access to a limited number of popular products. That is where you need to go for ideas on acceptable beauty products.
J Clarkson is an Internet Marketer and Business Developer and Consultant. Passions include woodworking, vintage cars and motorbikes, and cooking.

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Naima Web Developer

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