Why Writers Must Add Values To Society

Good writers are wordsmiths, who know and appreciate the potency of the words.
They have the capacity to skillfully craft words that will hit their targets with the right messages and bring about reactions or responses- good or bad on them.

As I always write, in this 21st century and with modern communication gadgets, spoken or written words have the capacity to spread in few seconds across the world.
These words could cause reactions in the minds of individuals, groups, corporate bodies, politicians, nations, etc.
The reactions could bring about conflicts or bring about peace.
It is pretty difficult to practice. However, it can be accomplished. No matter the condition or situation people are faced with, they must think good, say good and do good.
What we sow, we reap is a biblical statement that is very, very true.
In this modern era, humanity is desperately looking out for a peaceful, united and progressive world.
Yes, there are people and organizations out there that may not be moving in this direction. They may want to shut down our beloved world for their selfish interests. But, the cosmic masters will not accept it eventually.
It is expected that at this point in time, journalists, professional and amateur writers should assist through the spoken and written words in contributing towards making our world a better place.
Journalists are trained and orientated to inform, educate and entertain the public. So, they are not answerable to government of politicians when it comes to news reports.
But, I think journalists should mellow down a bit on some of the sensational and satanic headlines we read in the newspapers, magazines and the social media, daily.
I am a practicing journalist based in Lagos, Nigeria. Therefore, I professionally, I cast sensational headlines. Therefore, I am also guilty of this.
Deep down, I get the feelings everyday that humanity has come to a point where everyone must contribute his or her own quota towards helping to bring about a better world through our words and deeds.
Writers must strive in their writings to add specific values to humanity. Some of these values are reducing pains, giving more insights to the many problems or challenges facing individuals.
Wordsmiths also need to advice government and politicians at every point in time on how best to go about rendering services to those who elected or appointed them into power.
These are some of the reasons the 21st century writers should take time out to reflect and research upon.
Emmanuel Udom is editor of http://www.vicnuel.blogspot.com.ng.
Udom, a journalist, teacher, researcher, counselor and private investigator could be reached on: eeudom@yahoo.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9750459
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