If one was to think about what the purpose of a supermarket is, they may say that it is to sell people food. This could be seen as a fairly accurate assessment, and what they could add is that these places often sell house related items.

It Goes On
Alternatively, one could think about what a garage does, and what could come to mind is that they do a few things. There purpose is to fix cars and to make sure that they are safe enough to be on the road.
So, while certain garages may do things that others don't, they are all going to have one thing in common. There are, of course, plenty of other things that could be mentioned that primarily exist to serve one purpose.
The Same
What one could also think about is how the mainstream media only has one purpose; to inform the public about what is going on in the world. This will be what they have done for many, many years.
As a result of this, it will be essential for one to look to this source of information if they want to know about what is going on around them. This source will serve as a bridge that connects them with what is taking place.
With this is mind, one would have absolutely no idea about what is going on around them if it wasn't for this source. The information that they need wouldn't be available to them, and one would be walking around in ignorance.
Fortunately, one doesn't have to experience life in this way, and this shows how important the mainstream media is. If anything, one should be extremely grateful that this source exists.
A Number of Options
In the past, one would have had to read a paper, listen to the radio or to watch TV, but this is not longer necessary. The only thing that one needs is a device and this will allow them to go online.
Here, one will be able to read articles and to watch videos, and this means that they won't need to miss out on anything. It is up to them to decide how much they want to know about what is going on around them.
A Better Position
Due to this, it is not going to be difficult for one to know far more about the world than their ancestors ever did. But if one only spent a few minutes each day doing this, they can still have a relatively good understanding of the world.
However, while this is the outlook that some people will have, there are going to be others who have a different one. They could believe that the mainstream media doesn't actually exist to inform people.
If someone who has this outlook was to say this to someone who doesn't, it doesn't mean that they would agree with them. The other person could say that the mainstream media doesn't exist to deceive others.
And that if this was the case, the organisations that are out to deceive others would be fined and/or shut down, for instance. Or at the very least, these sources would be shamed for their behaviour and forced to change.
The Evidence Is There
When one is aware of the fact that the mainstream media has a different purpose, it is likely to mean that they will look towards the alternative media. This doesn't mean that they will accept everything that source comes out with, though.
What this will do is open them up to more information, and this will make it easier for them to spot when the mainstream media is not telling the truth. That is if they even pay attention to this source.
Fake News
At the same time, it could be argued that the mainstream media exists to inform people and this is because they have been talking about 'fake news'. But while this can be seen as a sign that they are the real deal, it could be said that this shows that they are projecting their issues onto the alternative media.
There are, of course, alternative media sites that are out to deceive people, this can't be denied. But for the mainstream media to say that the alternative media is out to deceive others is height of hypocrisy.
Caught In the Act
On numerous occasions, the mainstream media has been caught making their own news. For example, actors and/or people who are paid to play a role have been filmed and this scene is then shared with the world; which has allowed them to influence how people see the world.
The mainstream media is then no different to an individual who doesn't want to face what is taking place within them; they end up attaching it to other people. When it comes to the MSM, this is likely to be something that they are completely aware; whereas when an individual does this, they might not even realise it.
What this illustrates is that it is vital for someone to realise that even though something can appear to serve a certain purpose, it doesn't mean that this is actually the case. When someone is able to take a step back and to see that the mainstream media primarily exists to control their mind, it will give them the chance to protect themselves.
Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand four hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. His current projects include 'A Dialogue With The Heart' and 'Communication Made Easy'.
To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9783576
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