The Cessation of Indigenous Cultural Practices That Duress the Esteem of Women in Africa

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Women play very vibrant roles in the development of families and societies in Africa. Their great and unequivocal sacrifices they offer to their societies are unparalleled. Aside from the tiresome efforts, they exert in tying the loose nuts in their families such as providing meals, washing clothes, tending to children, providing warmth and affection to their husbands and other members of the family, as workaholics in business setups, they also contribute significantly to the socio-economic development in societies. It is disturbing that some indigenous cultural practices in some local communities in Africa still hold strings that pull down the esteem of many women by putting a barrier on their involvement in some high levels of social development such as in key decision-making processes.

The problem is still with the indigenous cultural practice that relegated the roles of women to only domestic chores and caging them to the four corners of their marital home. Women in those local communities are not to give their opinions or views in public during deliberations on societal development in communal meetings. Their lips are sealed when their highly weighed views that would have changed the wheel of development in their communities are shut down everlastingly within themselves. It is true that by Divine order, men are supposed to be leaders, yet, women play ancillary roles and the synergy hypes the development of societies. It is proven today that when women occupy key positions in the society or nation, their inputs have remedied and redeemed the esteem and progress of their respective societies and countries.
Women activist institutions, associations in charge of gender and women affairs must revamp their activities and programs to their secluded local communities to enliven the esteem of women to foster national development. A potent strategy is by holding talks with the traditional councils in these local communities and shedding light on the archetypical roles that women have played and continue to play today in the field of politics, economics, education, agriculture and other areas of human endeavor. This would entice them and consider revising or abrogating these indigenous cultural practices that put women in prison. Tradition evolves and is dynamic. Tradition often loses its nest to embrace the newly accepted ways of life in modern societies. This knowledge is not blind to the elderly members of the traditional councils in these local communities. This is evident in a general popular saying in Africa, which says that it is only a fool who fails to accept change, especially, the change that brings the most beneficial results to the society. Reasoning with the members of the traditional councils in the local communities using the imports of their own traditional knowledge systems could help them reverse and cease all forms of counter-productive cultural practices that demean women.
Various international, governmental and non-governmental bodies in Africa, particularly, the African Union must strengthen the provision of logistics to aid in the massive campaign against the duress of the esteem of women.
During special events and days used in marking the great achievements of women, such communities could be used as venues to showcase to them the great advancements in societies that have been as a result of the vibrant and free roles that women have been allowed to play in those societies. These strategies would aid in halting all the cultural practices that hold animosity against women. It would charge women, who are the everlasting souls of communities to function for the general wellbeing of nations.
If you want interesting information on impacting women for global development click the link below:

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Naima Web Developer

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